Morning Joe.
I'm in a fowl mood, and I'm gonna vent. Apologies in advance...
...but if you stick around, I'll owe you a coffee.
Iced. Which is the bulk of my ranting.
I am not a Summer person.
I wasn't always this way. When I was a kid, I looked forward to Summer School Vacation as much as anyone else. Grilled hot dogs...swimming pools...women of the female variety in bathing suits. These things made me happy.
Then I started working for a living.
And ever since I started working in retail, the seasons stopped revolving around the Sun.
They revolved around the dollar.
Valentine's Day started in January. Summer started in March. This past week, I started seeing Halloween and Christmas stuff coming in. As I learned about the Retail Calendar, I rolled with it. I didn't have a particular stake in any specific time of year, so what did I care?
But lately, it's been getting to me.
This is the general vision of Summer. Sunny days. Warm ocean breezes. Relaxation.
This is the harsh reality.
Everyone is looking for their beach. I know, because I see it every time I open Facebook. Pictures and comments about how wonderful their vacations are at some beach somewhere with fabulous food and no worries...
...and I'm stuck working for a living.
Then there are the customers I'm forced to listen to at work. Since my store is about 10 miles from a rather large lake, we get a lot of Summer tourists. And they're all complaining about how they have to get new sheets and chairs and s#!t for their Summer home.
You heard me. Their Summer Home. Or Camp. Or Beach House.
Boo. F**kin'. Hoo.
Don't get me wrong now. I get four vacation weeks a year, and yeah - one of them was earlier this month. Know how I spent that time?
Getting the cars looked at...
...mowing the lawn...
...and driving family members around.
All in the damn heat.
Wanna know my vision of Summer?
DAMN right!
Thanks Joe, I needed that.
I'm okay now...really...
...effin' Summer...