Tuesday, January 26, 2016

About these Netflix Marvel shows...

I'm a huge fan of both shows, and I look forward to the rest of them, but this new trend has me thinking:
Why don't the comics run the same way?
Why get bogged down with ongoing monthlies? Why not have ongoing mini-series instead? My understanding is that comic book publishers must feature a specific character within a certain time frame in order to keep the publishing rights for legal reasons, but that time frame isn't a mere 30 days. It isn't 90 days. In fact, I think it's somewhere in the 3-5 year range.
Regardless, I'd rather read a really good 7-month long story featuring Moon Knight (for example) than deal with five issues of less-than-spectacular "filler" crap in a monthly ongoing series. Having said that...
the same could be said for television shows.

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