I've mentioned in the past how work has changed recently, but I'm not young anymore so I'll repeat myself.
I work in retail, and my boss and boss' boss have known each other for at least 20 years before I started working there...which made me feel like the third wheel on a motorcycle.
Now set the WABAC machine on fast-forward...
Less than a month ago, my boss was reassigned to another store, and my boss' boss retired - resulting in a new boss and boss' boss.
You'd think so Hugh, wouldn't you?
Now I'm not saying things are worse...and I can't say for sure things are better. But they sure as hell are different.
And I'm not a big fan of change.
Changes in dynamics, shifts in power, adjustments and "fine-tunings". They stress me right the f**k out.
But see - that's just from the work side of life. Here at home, we've been hit with another whammy:
Mrs. Adorkification lost her job.
No, she didn't really lose her job...it's just that when she goes there, there's another person doing it.
Well, not really...
She was let go due to 'lack of work'. So she's in the process of filing for unemployment and stuff, which is good.
But she's also a maker.
No...not a Fixer...a Maker.
She sews, and beads, and has taught herself e-textiles (the art of using LED's and microcircuitry in clothing and jewelry). She's made some stuff, sold some stuff, and is in the process of making more stuff to sell.

Yeah. That gets a HUGE thumbs up.
But money's still (and let's face it - will always be) an issue.
Have I mentioned how much I HATE change?
But here's proof of the benefits of a long-lasting and loving relationship:
I'm not sure you know this, but I've got a bunch of comics.
Not a fortune's worth, but a lifetime's worth.
And I've been thinking about selling some (along with other stuff around the house) to help out. My concern (read: fear) was that Mrs. Adorkification would use said funds to pay bills, whereas I was hoping (read: selfishly praying) that the money that came in would be for me...and keep me from using our reduced income for things like music, Blu-rays and the occasional book.
I'm not proud of thinking that, and I never said I was perfect, but let me continue...
When I finally got up the nerve to discuss the financial expectations of any and all Paypal/eBay transactions, Mrs. Adorkification said outright: "I figured whatever you got from your stuff would be yours."
I'm sorry...what was that?
But then she said: "I figured you would use that money on your hobbies."
THEN the lightbulb flicked on.
We decided, together mind you, that whatever monies came from selling stuff - all stuff - would be split. I'd get some for my hobbies, but she'd get the larger share to buy e-textile/maker supplies...beads, thread, batteries, that type of stuff.
That made us both feel better.
I'll admit that some of you reading this may have come to this solution faster than we did, but that's not the point.
The point is:

'Nuff said.
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