It's just my quick comments and notes after seeing the episode only once (a la AoS).
Spoilers ahead.
Spoilers ahead.
You've been warned...
Season 2 Episode 1: "Rise of the Villains: Damned If You Do..."
Season 2 Episode 1: "Rise of the Villains: Damned If You Do..."
The Good: Seeing everyone again, but most importantly...
...and Nygma, who looks better without the glasses.
The Bad:
Really Bruce? You're going to throw yourself at a door? A SOLID METAL DOOR?
Speaking of Bruce...
The WTF?:
"Screw it!"
I never thought I would EVER hear Bruce say those words.
Any Bruce... can pick the Bruce...I just can't imagine him saying that. Ever.
In what DC Universe would Arkham put a female patient in the same room as all the male patients?
That's some straight up right there.
I get that they'd all "escape" in the confusion and wind up together in the same room with "Leviathan-guy"...
(seriously, WTF's up with that? I kept looking for the portable voice box)
...and "Leviathan-guy" talking about building a Suicide Squad Team of Villains, but Barbara should have been in her own part of the place is all I'm sayin'.
Adorkification Moment:

"Holey Moley!"
Oh Gordon...
...DAMN you for getting a Chris Isaak song in my head!
That better have been Jimmy Olsen taking pics at Loeb's "Retirement Party"...
And that's all I got from this episode...
Jerome? Something about Jerome?
Nope. Not buying it. Too easy.
Chances are he'll be like Hyena or something...

What? Hyena's a real character in the DCU:
well, yeah - there's him, but I was referring to this Hyena:
okay...this Hyena's a she named Summer Day, but it wouldn't be the first time a comic-themed show royally f**ked with us.
Yeah, I went there...
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