Friday, September 4, 2015

Why all the Superhero Genre hate?...(WTF? Friday 9/4/2015)

I'm getting really tired of this.
There have been interviews recently with Steven Spielberg, Henry Cavill, Stallone and others in Hollywood about the eventual and inevitable death of the Superhero genre. 
I have always maintained that Sports, Western, Action, Sci-Fi, Romance, and every other motherf**king genre...will be around forever. 
I will say that Spielberg mentioned the Western genre specifically when he talked about such genres fading in and out of popularity over time. And he's right. But there will NEVER be a 'death' of the Superhero movie genre.

Speaking of Superhero films...
What's this noise about the Marvel Creative Committee dismantling?
First of all - there WAS a Marvel Creative Committee? I thought it was just
this guy,
and this guy, but apparently not. 
Secondly - why the dismantling?
Was it a lack of financial success? 'Cause that's just some straight up BULLS#!T right there. 
The entire MCU franchise has made over $8.9 Billion worldwide since Iron Man came out in 2008 - which, wait a minute while I check my calendar...
...yup - was less than 10 years ago!
RIGHT! So what else would cause this change?
Too many monkeysuits in charge? "Cause that's bull too.
Marvel Studios is a movie production company...
...featuring Marvel characters... by Marvel.
This is their universe. Their voice. Their terms. And while I haven't always agreed with - or liked - the direction they went...

...I never lost interest. Still haven't.
But apparently this Marvel Creative Committee had to disband. 
Some say it's because the films have become predictable: the hero faces adversity, the hero trains, the hero defeats adversity. 
Granted: Predictable.
But that's not just in Marvel movies...
...and it isn't just in Superhero Genre films either...

I'd even include Star Wars, which works even though... takes place over three separate films.
And I haven't even mentioned the Romance Genre.
So we'll see how things progress from here. 
I'm not upset about said Committee disbanding, I'm just wondering why now - when it's been so successful and no less predictable than every other movie genre out there. 
'Nuff Said.

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