Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Robin III Part 47: Robin II #4 (of 4) (December, 1991)

Tim makes his mark as being the first Robin to defeat Joker...without Batman's help.

I have this issue in the Robin: Tragedy & Triumph Trade Paperback.
Tim takes a moment to visit his father (who’s still at the hospital in a coma from the events of Detective Comics 621) before implementing his plan to stop Joker’s technological terror. After rigging the tractor trailer carrying Joker’s ransom money to a remote control, and putting a mannequin in a Bat-Suit in the driver’s seat, Tim gets the truck to the delivery spot and waits. Meanwhile, he has Alfred run a trace to find Joker’s hideout, and the kidnapped Dr. Pellinger.

Joker arrives under the bridge where the truck is…and blows the bridge up.

Tim waits until Joker realizes the “Batman” switch and then leaps into action, taking out Joker’s goons and giving Joker a good shot. The Clown Prince makes a run for it, leading Tim to the city sewage treatment plant. Joker ambushes him, but Tim managed to flip the villain into one of the sewage vats when the GCPD arrive to take him away. Tim asks an officer about Pellinger, and learns that they’ve found his location.

Back at Wayne Manor, Alfred gives Tim the news that Pellinger’s been drugged for quite some time but is expected to recover enough to help repair the damage he was forced to create. At that moment, Bruce returns and asks about what he missed.

Notes of Interest:
1) Well…Tim knocked Joker off his feet for the second time, and then stopped him

WTF? Moment: “I don’t know Alfred too well. And he really doesn’t know me yet.” Are you kidding me? Tim’s been living in Wayne Manor having discussions about Bruce and Batman daily for what – a year? I’m not saying their relationship is as deep or as strong as Alfred and Bruce’s, but I can’t believe that Mr. Pennyworth and Master Drake don’t know on some significant level. My guess is that Tim’s understandably freaked out by what’s going on and is focused more on Joker than what he’s saying.

WTF? Moment #2: It was nice to see Tim connect with his father a little bit. Heck – it was nice to see Jack Drake for a little bit. I understand what writer Chuck Dixon was trying to say in that Tim has a lot on his shoulders. He’s a teenager…in high school…with a few good friends…and he’s Robin. That’s a burden. Tim, like all teenagers, needs someone to talk to. More than that – Tim needs several people to talk to because he’s basically two different people. He’s driven, committed, dedicated and intelligent…but he’s not obsessed like Bruce. Tim’s got Alfred, Ives and his fellow Warlocks and Warriors gamers but he doesn’t have peers. Over in New Mutants, Sam, Dani, Roberto, Rhane, Doug, and Illyana had each other to talk to and Tim needs that - someone like himself that he can confide in. Although I’m sure he could tell Alfred anything, even complain about Bruce, and have it kept confidential.

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