Thursday, March 22, 2012

"The Excelsior Acquisition"

I only recently saw the Big Bang Theory episode (thank you Netflix).

When I saw the title on the disc I knew what it entailed, because there's only one man on this Earth that could make the word Excelsior cool... 

Stan the Man.

The guys are off to a signing with "The Man" and discuss which issue(s) to bring, and that got me thinking: 

Taking into consideration all the variables involved for such an opportunity to occur, if I found myself standing at his table with just enough time for him to sign one thing, what would it be?

I would go with something different, something unexpected. Not a Batman comic like they discuss on the show...but definitely something outside the box...

...and then it hit me...

why not an actual comic box?

It could be damaged, but so could an actual comic.

Maybe a simple white backing board, that could then be placed in mylar?

Now we're talking!

In fact, that may just be the best thing to have anyone sign. They're small, and less likely to draw negative attention from others in line - imagine holding a comic box at a signing with thirty-plus people behind you...

Artists could even draw right on them! Then they could be safely tucked away within your runs.

Perfect! Now, if I could just get Stan Lee's address...

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