Friday, August 5, 2016

WTF? Friday...8/5/2018

Hello Joe.
I'm just not feeling it today. I've had another hell of a week without enough time to decompress. Granted - sleep is an issue. The nature of my job makes sleep always an issue. But another is just simply having time to unwind. If I'm not working or sleeping, there's chores, errands and obligations. You know that summer expectation of just sitting back and relaxing while having a beer? Yeah. I don't get those. I have beer in the house that I am able to consume, but in order to do so I have to wait until the family is home...and don't have to get up and go somewhere to get someone. Meaning I'm having my first beer at 10:30 at night - when I'm already asleep on my feet. Unless of course I have to be at work at 7 the next morning...
I'm sorry. I know no one wants to read a blog about someone else's "woe is me's".

I've heard about the fans fighting Rotten Tomatoes to stop trouncing Suicide Squad. I gotta wonder how many of these folks also put Ghostbusters (2016) on their hit list months before it was released. 
I just wanted to get that out. Have a good weekend Joe. Maybe I'll get around to seeing Suicide Squad myself. If I can find the time.

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