Friday, August 26, 2016

WTF? Friday...8/26/2016

Hey Joe! Look!
I'm on time today!
But my a$$ is draggin'...
 Work's been ridiculous,
and Summer still sucks.
...I found P-Diddy on YouTube.
A great channel with lots of vids from conventions going back to at least 2014. He usually dresses up as Deadpool and dances with other cosplayers. Really fun stuff.
 I also started watching Stranger Things.
I say started because I couldn't get past Episode 3. It's great seeing Matthew Modine and Winona Ryder again, but the pacing was terrible and all the winks to eighties media made my eyes twitch. 
Then I found Billy on the Street.
It's on Hulu, and it's pretty funny. Billy Eichner did this from 2011 to 2015, and he ran around the streets of New York asking strangers questions like "It's Zachary you care?" and "It's Debra gays!" (with Quinto and Messing running along side him). Then there's "For a Dollar", where he walked up to people and asked them things like "Who's better...Gwen Stefani or Pink?" And if he agreed with their answer, he gave them a dollar. I'd love to do something like that at comic conventions. Walking around with a microphone and camera person asking strangers (both cosplayers and non) things like: "For a dollar...should the next Green Lantern movie feature Guy Gardner?" or "Who's better...Liv Tyler in The Incredible Hulk or Natalie Portman in Thor?" I would watch the hell out of that.
Have a good weekend!

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