Saturday, January 7, 2012

Puck Part 69: Wolverine #36 (February, 1991)

Things look bad for Puck, and Logan is left behind.
I have this issue.
Judd is with Logan, Ernest Hemingway and Hemingway’s lady-friend Inez as they continue into the Spanish mountains when they come to a roadblock. Judd helps them shoot their way through, but their car crashes into a café. They end up walking the rest of the way only to find that there are two Partisans left after an early morning gunfight.
A Nazi pilot sees the smoke of their campfire and starts a strafing run. Judd starts to free the horses when he’s hit, and is badly wounded. As a result, everyone decides to take him through a pass over the mountain to the other side, where doctors are stationed with the Republican army.
They make it part way when they’re ambushed by Nazis and Lady Deathstrike. Logan lets everyone else continue on with Judd, while he takes care of the oncoming soldiers...his way.
Notes of Interest:
1) This is the first time we see Judd use a handgun.
WTF? Moment: Judd is essentially a secondary character this issue, it is Wolverine after all.
WTF? Moment #2: That crack Judd makes about having more guts than sense “when you’re short and ugly” – could he be talking about himself as well as Logan?

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