I'm not sure how to feel about the new DC logo I've been reading about.
This marks the second logo change in six years, and I didn't like the "old" one at first, but it grew on me.
The change, along with the "New 52" and the DCnU make me wonder what the higher-ups over there are thinking. I can understand the need to change one's image to reflect current trends in an attempt to raise sales, but Marvel's marketing in their movies, games and other non-comicbook products has stayed the same since around 2000. And last time I checked, it was working pretty well.
The difference between these two companies can be summed up like this: Marvel accepts me as one of their own. DC keeps me at arms length.
Both want my money and loyalty as a fan, and to some extent they both do. But this new look/universe DC's got going on makes me think that much harder about revisiting my old comics, let alone buy new ones.
What's to stop them from changing their minds (again) and come out with yet another look and universe three years from now?
I love all of the DC characters I grew up with, but now I have to say things like "MY Superman, MY Justice League and MY Teen Titans" to distinguish them from what those kids are reading nowadays.
So my message to DC is this - Stop dicking us around. Make a decision and stick with it. Marvel has survived bankruptcy and a Disney buy-out thanks to a dedicated, loyal fan base. Do yourselves a favor and get back in touch with your fans, or they won't be there anymore.
And they won't come back...no matter how many times you change image.
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