Friday, December 30, 2011

Puck Part 61: Alpha Flight #90 (November, 1990)

Puck is reunited with Alpha Flight and Heather…only to be one-upped by another long-lost Alphan.
I have this issue.
Judd helps his rescuers (Shaman, Talisman, Sasquatch and Aurora) fight the Master’s Remnant Men. Talisman finds the spell that stops them in Shaman’s medicine bag, costing her dearly, and they all rematerialize outside the Black Hills of South Dakota as the Master escapes. They take her back to a Canadian hospital for treatment, and it is there in the waiting room that Judd is reunited with Heather. His affection and happiness is short-lived, as another Alphan enters the room – James MacDonald Hudson.
Notes of Interest:
1) Judd was naked after breaking out of Master’s container last issue. The sudden appearance of his costume here is thanks to Talisman’s mystic abilities.
2) This is the first Judd hears of Hudson’s return.
3) Judd is officially reinstated as a member of Alpha Flight.
WTF? Moment: Was it just me, or was there a nice little play on words between Judd and Talisman as they mentioned his uniform? It felt to me as if Nicieza was channeling the playfulness between these characters from back in Alpha Flight #23 when Judd first started training her in physical combat.
WTF? Moment #2: Having Judd hold Heather’s head as they hugged was a nice touch. In that one panel, Bair manages to convey the deep affection Judd has for her without any sign of the obsession Mantlo had him suffer through.
WTF? Moment #3: There is some genuine shock on Judd’s face as Hudson enters the room. My hope is that this is just the shock of seeing his dead friend walking around again, and not some plant to re-spark the horrible storyline of Judd’s pining for Heather. We are SO done with that!
WTF? Moment #4: The hospital that Judd and the others take Talisman to? Yeah, it’s Ottawa General, the same hospital Judd was kidnapped from AND where Judd uncovered that drug trafficking ring while recuperating from Marrina’s attack. W…T…F…? Is that like the only hospital in Canada?

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