Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

So it's that time of year again...a time to reflect, to enjoy the loved ones around you and to think of peace on Earth and good will towards (wo)men.

I work in retail, as many Bloggers I follow do, and it's really hard to think about those things while running around bleary-eyed on coffee fumes, bombarded with tasks and responsibilities both professional and personal.

Within the past week, my daughter turned 12 and I turned 40. It hasn't been until today that those monumental events started sinking in. She's planning a three-night sleepover in January with her friends to celebrate her birthday, and I'm looking forward to spending those three nights downstairs playing video games, watching movies and sleeping on the couch.

I guess what I'm saying is that we all need to make time for ourselves when we can, but not only to recharge the batteries or vent our frustrations, but also to enjoy what is happening at the time. To appreciate and reciprocate the love and affection of those around us...who put up with us and our crazy schedules, our dorky behaviors and our silly hobbies...and smell the comics.

I have to work tonight, and open Dec 26th, but in between I will hug my family, laugh with my in-laws, and enjoy the day.

I wish the same to all of you.

Happy Holidays

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