Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Puck Part 9: Alpha Flight #16 (November, 1984)

Puck and Namor find the creature living in Lake Ontario, and it changes Marrina forever.

I have this issue.

Judd wakes up (after being nerve-pinched unconscious in Alpha Flight #15) a prisoner of the Master in his submarine. He discovers that in addition to capturing Namor and Marrina, Master has also caged the creature that’s killed at least seventeen people and ripped Heather Hudson’s legs to near shreds. It seems the creature is another member of the Plodex, Marrina’s native alien species. Judd witnesses Master put both Plodex in the same tank, and uses the distraction to trick Master into freeing him. Judd then frees Namor, and uses Master’s helmet to crack the tank containing the Plodex. Namor finishes breaking open the tank, and the water rejuvenates him as well as frees both aliens. The creature wreaks havoc and sinks Master’s vessel, and Namor brings Judd back to the surface as the submarine explodes.

Marrina’s gone missing, but Judd convinces the grief-stricken Namor to not give up hope. And as the Sub-Mariner leaves, Judd tells Marrina to come out of hiding. She tells him that the creature wasn’t just a fellow Plodex, but her biological mate. She has a lot of thinking to do, and tells him she’s leaving Alpha Flight, and humanity, forever.

Notes of Interest:
1) Again, Judd knows his Alpha Flight history, as he recognizes Master and his past encounter with the team, which took place while Judd was in the hospital.

2) Judd is able to survive Master’s cell despite being almost depleted of oxygen.

3) His experiences abroad aid him again as he uses a skill he learned in the Orient to appear dead, which is how he tricks Master into opening his cell.

4) Judd predicted there was more going on than fighting between the Plodex before Marrina proved it.

5) It takes a lot to earn the respect of the Sub-Mariner, and Judd has it.

WTF? Moment: Judd’s able to deduce that Marrina and the creature aren’t fighting, they’re having sex. (MAN is Master dumb!) He keeps it to himself, and earns the respect of the man who’s prepared to marry her? I understand Judd wanting to stay out of it, but shouldn’t he at the very least be worried about any potential offspring from this encounter? My hope is that he’d let his fellow Alphans know what happened so they’re aware.

WTF? Moment #2: This is nit-picking, but Judd doesn’t wear his costume at all this ish, so why is he wearing it on the cover? Maybe Byrne thought people wouldn’t recognize him without it, but how many dwarves in the Marvel Universe know gymnastics, hang out with Namor and appear in Alpha Flight?

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