Monday, October 31, 2011

Puck Part 10: Alpha Flight #17 (December, 1984)

Puck recommends a new leader for Alpha Flight, and it isn’t who you’d think.

I have this issue.

Judd returns to Heather’s hospital room after his ordeal with Namor and Marrina to find Logan there. The three of them discuss Alpha’s future, or lack thereof, and decide they need a leader. Judd suggests Heather because of her mother-like qualities that could make the team a family.

Notes of Interest:
1) It seems this is Judd and Logan’s first meeting, although they have heard of each other’s reputations and have apparently been in some of the same scraps.

2) Judd likes coffee.

3) Add Maracaibo, Venezuela to the list of places Judd’s traveled to.

WTF? Moment: I think it’d be cool to listen in as Judd and Logan talk about old times, although based on their lifespans, it would probably take days.

WTF? Moment #2: I’ve mentioned before how Judd has an affect on women, but here we see Heather’s affect on men. Both Judd and Logan seem to care deeply about her, and appear to be the only people with ties to Alpha that visit her.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Friday, 10/15/2010 (New England Wizard Comic Con, Day 1, Part Two)

So I went to The Pour House across the street from Hynes Convention Center for dinner and the Drink and Draw event with absolutely no idea how it would go.

I followed the crowd downstairs and there was a seperate area sectioned off for the Wizard event. Waving my wristband like an idiot to show I belonged there, I was able to sit with Dirk Tiede and E. J. Barnes as I perused the menu.

I ended up getting a bacon double cheeseburger with onion rings (which was excellent by the way!) as a sketchbook was passed around for anyone to draw in. As much as I would have liked to draw in it, I just didn't have the balls. I did, however, get a chance to see what people drew:

And watch Dirk Tiede work his magic...

It was awesome! After a couple of drinks (Captain & Coke thank you...) I managed to get a look at the official Drink and Draw board:

Oh - almost forgot that there were a few people cosplaying at the restaurant...

By now it was almost 11, and I was exhausted. I had 4 of my minimum 10 hours under my belt, and was looking forward to a full Saturday at the con, so I left the crowded place and headed out...totally unprepared for the onslaught of Buffy fans, the artist that was M.I.A., my close encounter with James Marsters, and the unexpected visit by a High Ranking Official that awaited me.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, 10/15/2010 (New England Wizard Comic Con, Day 1, Part One)

I arrived in Boston early Friday afternoon with time to take the T to my hotel and get some lunch before heading over to Hynes Convention Center. I made a mental note how long it took me to get from the hotel to the T stop (approx. 15 min), and where the nearest Dunkin’s was (right around the corner from the station).

The convention officially ran from 5-9 pm Friday night, but VIP ticket holders and volunteers (like me!) could get in earlier. I showed up, went through this cool entrance

and found the table to sign in as a volunteer. They checked me off the list and gave me my wristband and T-shirt as the rules were explained to me:

1) The wristband is my ticket for all three days. If I lose said wristband, I will need to pay to come in for any remaining days. The guards will not recognize me. I AM NOT TO LOSE MY WRISTBAND!

2) The T-Shirt I now have is to be worn when I am “on the clock”. I can take the shirt off once I sign out for the day, or for a break. I do not need the shirt to enter the convention, but the shirt tells everyone I am working. It is preferred, but not required, to wear a shirt under this shirt as I may be wearing this shirt all three days. If I lose said shirt, I will not be able to get another one. I AM NOT TO LOSE MY SHIRT!

3) The minimum time I am required to work throughout the show is 10 hours. I could work more if I wish, but the 10 hour minimum is necessary to a) earn a swag bag and b) be allowed to volunteer again at future events. IF I WANT TO DO THIS AGAIN, I MUST WORK AT LEAST 10 HOURS!

I eagerly nodded my dorkish head in agreement and donned both wristband and T-Shirt. No sooner did I turn around after storing my bag and jacket when two men walked up to me and asked where the Artist Alley was.

I suddenly realized the power of the Volunteer Shirt.

I looked for someone to ask and told them that the convention hadn’t officially started yet, and one of the men told me that he’s an artist (David Quiles, artist of Bare Knuckled Fighter and Caesar of Brooklyn). A more experienced volunteer came to my rescue.

I worked my way into the hall, taking pictures along the way…

There’s the General Lee!

There’s the Batmobile and Batcycle!

There’s Jabba the Hut!

There’s…HOLY CRAP!!

I put my camera away after I took this shot just as these two people met another two people dressed the exact same way! I fumbled to get my camera back out while they walked around each other. By the time I was ready, they had moved on. DAMN!

Many of the artists’ booths were still getting set up, and I found myself at Arthur Suydam’s table. Suydam’s nowhere to be found, but there’s another guy there who told me he’s a sculptor and was showing off his work along with Suydam’s. Apparently, this guy sculpted head models based on Suydam’s work and was selling them at the show.

I had to take a few pics of those!

Then Suydam came back to the table.

Note: I hate zombies. I don’t mean hate as in “just don’t like”, I mean hate the way Indiana Jones hates snakes kind of hate. So when Marvel Zombies came out, I was in shock. My beloved Marvel Universe characters have been turned into my greatest dislike – And THIS was the guy responsible!

I gathered up my courage and as politely as possible thanked him for turning my most beloved characters and covers into images of shock and horror. He laughed, and I walked away most satisfied.

I wandered into the retailer’s area and was asked to help bring up some wares for one of the booths from the garage. Not knowing how this would be accomplished, I followed other Volunteer Shirt wearers to some elevators I hadn’t noticed. We went down to the garage and loaded cases and cases of artwork onto dollies and brought them back upstairs. The vendor needed additional tables to set up, so I went around and found some tables stacked behind a curtain. I was pulling one out when a couple guys came up to me and asked what I was doing.

“Getting a table for one of the vendors,” I said.

“Well who told you to get it?”

“The vendor,” I replied.

“You need to let us do that,” they said.

It was then that I realized these guys were workers of the Convention Center, and it was their job to get the tables, curtains, tablecloths and whatever else was needed for the booths. I apologized repeatedly and let them take over.

I went back to the vendor and helped his two assistants set milk crates out onto the tables and put the right portfolios of work in the appropriate order. As I was about to leave, the vendor thanked my and handed me $10. According to Wizard’s rules, there was nothing preventing me from accepting it, so I did. He asked if I would be around all weekend and I told him I would. Especially since Bill Sienkiewicz’s table was right next door (who wasn’t there, but I was told he would be Saturday).

I also met Dirk Tiede (creator of Paradigm Shift), Shawn Corliss (Writer, Penciller and Colorist of Defending Tavyr: Book 1: The Risk Worth Taking), E. J. Barnes (Artist and Writer of Blaster Al Ackerman’s Tales of the Ling Maste; Birds of the Baltic and How Dear To Me Is Sleep), C. J. Henderson (Writer of Brooklyn Knight) and Mike McKone (Artist of Teen Titans; JLA/JLI; Fantastic Four and Punisher: War Zone).

It was a great afternoon, and I really got to see the “behind the scenes” activity at these shows. By 9:00, I was getting hungry, so I followed the crowd across the street to The Pour House for the Drink and Draw event.


Friday, October 28, 2011


I'm a traveler by nature. I like going to new places and doing new things. One thing that's been holding me money But the other thing has been bedbugs.

I bring this up because my last Great Excursion to a Great New Thing was the trip I took to Boston last fall for the Wizard New England Comic Con at Hynes Convention Center. And the reason I/ve been dragging my feet writing about it has been...

That was the biggest disappointment about the trip.

My wife, who hates travelling, forced me to check my mattress (which I did) put my suitcase on the desk in the room (which I also did) and keep everything wrapped in plastic (which I also also did).

It's a good thing I listened to her, because I was lucky enough not to bring them home with me. But they were there, and they were nasty.

I hope to go back to Boston for another convention at some point...but I'll do a little more research into where to stay next time.

So - there's the worst part of the event over and done with!

Now on to the rest of it...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

16 Days and Counting...

For the first time I can remember, there's going to be a full-on 3-day comic convention in downtwon Portland, Maine.

This is huge.

I went to Wizard Con in Boston last year (which I still haven't commented about) and missed out on the other Boston Con the first weekend of May this year.

By the way, there was no New England Wizard Con this year.

It's from 11/11 through 11/13 2011. There's going to be a rave Friday night, events and movie showings throughout Saturday...including Blade Runner...and ends Sunday night with a wrap-up party at Geno's Rock Club.

This is awesome, and I'm gonna call in dead to work.

Good thing my wife likes Blade Runner. Happy Birthday sweetie!

It's hosted/run by the guys at Coast City Comics (634 Congress St. Portland, Maine)

Check it out at:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Puck Part 9: Alpha Flight #16 (November, 1984)

Puck and Namor find the creature living in Lake Ontario, and it changes Marrina forever.

I have this issue.

Judd wakes up (after being nerve-pinched unconscious in Alpha Flight #15) a prisoner of the Master in his submarine. He discovers that in addition to capturing Namor and Marrina, Master has also caged the creature that’s killed at least seventeen people and ripped Heather Hudson’s legs to near shreds. It seems the creature is another member of the Plodex, Marrina’s native alien species. Judd witnesses Master put both Plodex in the same tank, and uses the distraction to trick Master into freeing him. Judd then frees Namor, and uses Master’s helmet to crack the tank containing the Plodex. Namor finishes breaking open the tank, and the water rejuvenates him as well as frees both aliens. The creature wreaks havoc and sinks Master’s vessel, and Namor brings Judd back to the surface as the submarine explodes.

Marrina’s gone missing, but Judd convinces the grief-stricken Namor to not give up hope. And as the Sub-Mariner leaves, Judd tells Marrina to come out of hiding. She tells him that the creature wasn’t just a fellow Plodex, but her biological mate. She has a lot of thinking to do, and tells him she’s leaving Alpha Flight, and humanity, forever.

Notes of Interest:
1) Again, Judd knows his Alpha Flight history, as he recognizes Master and his past encounter with the team, which took place while Judd was in the hospital.

2) Judd is able to survive Master’s cell despite being almost depleted of oxygen.

3) His experiences abroad aid him again as he uses a skill he learned in the Orient to appear dead, which is how he tricks Master into opening his cell.

4) Judd predicted there was more going on than fighting between the Plodex before Marrina proved it.

5) It takes a lot to earn the respect of the Sub-Mariner, and Judd has it.

WTF? Moment: Judd’s able to deduce that Marrina and the creature aren’t fighting, they’re having sex. (MAN is Master dumb!) He keeps it to himself, and earns the respect of the man who’s prepared to marry her? I understand Judd wanting to stay out of it, but shouldn’t he at the very least be worried about any potential offspring from this encounter? My hope is that he’d let his fellow Alphans know what happened so they’re aware.

WTF? Moment #2: This is nit-picking, but Judd doesn’t wear his costume at all this ish, so why is he wearing it on the cover? Maybe Byrne thought people wouldn’t recognize him without it, but how many dwarves in the Marvel Universe know gymnastics, hang out with Namor and appear in Alpha Flight?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Puck Part 8: Alpha Flight #15 (October, 1984)

Puck faces Marrina’s dark side for a second time.

I have this issue.

Judd asks Marrina to check out Lake Ontario to see if she can find whatever’s killed at least seventeen people so far. She investigates while he stays behind. She returns two hours later reverted back to the savage beast he last saw in Alpha Flight #2…which put him in the hospital. He manages to evade her attack until Namor arrives, who assumes Judd’s attacking her and knocks him out.

Judd wakes up just in time to get put back into unconsciousness by the Master.

Notes of Interest:
1) Judd spent a year in Spain with Papa Hemmingway, which was roughly 1937 to ’38.

2) During his time in Spain, Judd trained to be a bullfighter, and defeated a bull in the ring despite his size.

3) It appears he read Alpha’s files about their activities while Judd was in the hospital, because he knew of the team’s first encounter with the Master.

4) This is the first meeting of Judd and Namor, and (naturally) they fight.

5) Judd quickly deduces that Namor intends to marry Marrina.

6) It seems Judd was in prison when he was approached to join Department H.

7) Judd was never a member of Gamma Flight. He was paroled straight into Beta.

8) His suspicions of a connection between Marrina and the creature in the lake are confirmed.

9) Judd has some skeletons in his closet…dead ones…that he killed apparently.

WTF? Moment: I liked the connection between facing a changed Marrina and Judd’s bullfighting past. It shows that he’s one tough guy. But having him pass out not once but twice? I can understand it when Namor hits him, he’s the freakin’ Sub-Mariner for crying out loud. Judd’s lucky his head didn’t come clean off, but the Vulcan nerve-pinch thing afterward? After spending so much time crossing and re-crossing the planet, wouldn’t he have experienced the nerve-pinch before, and learned of some way to beat it?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Puck Part 7: Alpha Flight #14 (September, 1984)

What starts off as a “date” of sorts with Heather turns into a nightmare right out of a horror film.

I have this issue.

Judd takes Heather to a movie and a meal to help her take her mind off the daunting task of living without Mac when they hear a woman scream. They find a young mother in shock, as she tells Judd that something came out of Lake Ontario and snatched her baby. Before Judd can think, Heather dives in, and something grabs her when she comes back up for air. Judd grabs her arm and pulls…resulting in whatever had Heather ripping her legs to shreds.

He uses his Alpha Flight authorization to get medical attention to both women. After Heather tells him what she saw, he heads to the authorities, and learns that the young child is only the seventeenth known person gone missing in the past ten months. Judd quickly deduces the most likely explanation and contacts Marrina, and explains to her his belief that the creature in the water is another Plodex – looking for its identity.

Notes of Interest:
1) Judd shows off his quick thinking and strong deductive skills.

WTF? Moment: Judd offers some good advice as Heather discusses her options. I like how he’s more a concerned friend than someone looking to get into her pants.

WTF? Moment #2: Byrne must have really liked Jaws. This could have easily been a cheap Syfy movie-of-the-week, but he used the plot from Marvel Team-Up Annual #7 and it worked.

WTF? Moment #3: I doubt Judd gets any type of paycheck from his Alpha Flight activities, and to date we’ve only seen him work as a bouncer. I’m not sure how much money bouncers make, but considering his living conditions I didn’t think he could afford to take Heather to such a fancy restaurant. Good thing they’re there for lunch instead of dinner – it could have been reeeealy expensive.

WTF? Moment #4: How did Judd know about the destruction of all the vampires? Seriously. How? Was he in some Dr. Strange issue I’m not aware of?

WTF? Moment #5: Is it me, or does Judd seem to have a calming affect on women? He constantly consoles Heather, and here he does the same with Marrina. We know that Tony Stark would end up bedding both…and Aurora…and possibly Northstar, but Judd’s calmness seems to stem from a place of kindness and genuine concern.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Puck Part 6: Alpha Flight #13 (August, 1984)

Puck helps Heather recover from Mac’s death.

I have this issue.

Heather’s recurring nightmares have Judd concerned, as he and Shaman discuss how her husband’s death has affected her. The three of them go Parliament Hill to find out what the government can do for them, which turns out to be nothing, and Judd ends up going with them to a local fast food establishment to discuss the future of Alpha Flight.

Notes of Interest:
1) It’s obvious by this point that Judd has feelings for Heather, but shows his maturity by waiting patiently for the right time to tell her.

2) Judd confesses that Smart Alec deserves worse than what Shaman has done with him, revealing a somewhat darker side to Judd’s personality.

3) That darker side comes up again at Parliament, when Heather has to keep Judd from hitting Gary Cody.

4) Judd clearly cares about Alpha Flight and its future.

5) Apparently, Judd’s visited the Serengeti in his travels.

WTF? Moment: Judd’s reaction at Parliament bothers me. I can understand his frustration at governmental red tape and his desire for Heather to get just compensation, but his sudden need to hit someone just doesn’t jibe with what we’ve seen from him thus far. Sure he’d discuss, and probably yell, but physical violence? Sounds more like something Walter Langowski or Logan would have done.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Puck Part 5: Marvel Team-Up Annual #7 (1984)

Puck comes to Marrina’s rescue this issue.

I have this issue.

Marrina is captured by the Collector, and Judd is among the Alphans responding to her distress call. They find her aboard the Collector’s ship, and learn that Marrina is a member of an alien species called the Plodex, which the Collector was gathering throughout the universe. Judd manages to rescue her suspended animation, and helps prevent the other Plodex from escaping.

Notes of Interest:
1) This story obviously takes place after Guardian’s death. Since Judd and Heather start a three-part story with Alpha Flight #13, it makes sense to place this issue here.

2) Judd cares deeply about Alpha Flight, to the point of worrying about Aurora’s split personality, Northstar’s attitude and Sasquatch’s anger.

3) This marks the first story Judd appears in written and drawn by someone other than John Byrne, Louise Simonson and Paul Neary respectively, although Byrne does assist with the cover.

4) Judd meets both Spider-Man and Collector this issue.

5) It should be noted that Judd doesn’t judge. He holds no ill will towards Marrina for what happened in Alpha Flight #2, and doesn’t care that she is a member of an alien race bent on conquering other planets.

WTF? Moment: This is the second time that Judd hitches a ride with Northstar. Get him a plane already! Or a helicopter. Or one of those jet pack things…

Friday, October 21, 2011

52 and the DCU vs. the New 52 and the DCnU

I’ve been hesitant to comment on this. Everyone has an opinion, and I was letting some time go by for some issues to come out and to let the fires die down.

Let me be clear – I haven’t read a single issue of this New 52 business, but I’ve seen the pics and read some reviews and felt now is the time to throw my hat into the ring.

I understand why DC did this. Readership was down and they were losing money. A shot in the arm was needed for both themselves and the industry in general.

My problem is how DC chose to address these concerns. By starting from scratch, DC succeeded in gaining new readership, and put many of their issues in the top ten sellers for the past two months…but they alienated many fans, such as myself, who grew up with these characters. This once again proved to me a glaring reality:

I am not the target market for either of the Big Two’s publications.

I’m approaching 40 and have a wife and a child, a mortgage, and a 40+ hour a week job spanning nights and weekends. A good night’s sleep is a rarity, a night out to see a movie in the theater is an endangered species, and a blessed weekend to sit in peace with a stack of comics to read at my leisure doesn’t exist anymore.

My point is that DC desperately wants my money, but isn’t writing stories with me in mind. They have changed their universe to appeal to the younger, allowance driven generation and left mine and those before me in the wind.

Now this isn’t a new idea for DC. In fact, they’ve done it at least twice before.

The Silver Age of comics began with a new Flash, replacing Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick with Barry Allen. – Goodbye loyal Golden Age readers.

DC attempted to bring Golden Age fans back by re-introducing Jay to (then) current DC Universe with the creation of Earth-Two. But this begat multiple Earths to the point where the classic Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline was needed to merge all parallel universes into one “New” Earth. Oh, and Barry Allen is replaced by Wally West as the new Flash. – Hello Post Crisis, goodbye loyal Golden and Silver Age readers.

This new DCU had problems as well, since Superboy no longer existed, that meant that neither did the Legion of Super-Heroes. So along came Zero Hour. While the debate exists whether or not this new “New” Earth is in fact another beginning to the DCU, Zero Hour caused at least some changes to most characters…including Flash by killing Wally West. – Goodbye loyal Post-Crisis readers.

So this goes on for a while, but DC decides to throw more crises into the mix, with Barry coming back, Wally coming back, Bart Allen becoming Flash, and a lot of other crazy stuff. – Good luck following that.

Then came 52, which didn’t deal with Flash too much. Wally was back, but powerless and 52 new Earths are created (including Jay’s Earth-Two). This was a great story that felt to me as a swan song; a tip of the hat to all DC had done before. It wasn’t a slate-wiping event, but a great “jumping-on” point for new readers without pissing off whatever loyal readers DC had by then.

But apparently DC wasn’t done pissing readers off.

So now we have the “New” 52, starting the DCU over from scratch (again), ignoring everything that came before (again…including Crisis on Infinite Earths and 52 by the way). – Goodbye whatever loyal readers DC had by then.

I gave up reading DC a while ago, but my interest never waned. I still cared about these characters even when I couldn’t afford to follow them on a monthly basis. Now it has gotten to the point where I simply don’t give a rat’s ass what happens anymore.

I’m done with DC as it is now and wash my hands of it. Any money I spend on DC will be filling in the holes of my collection. And when I retire, I’ll spend my golden years sitting down every weekend reliving the “good ol’ days” with a stack of comics and follow my beloved characters when they made sense…in between long naps and the occasional night out.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Puck Part 4: Alpha Flight #12 (July, 1984)

An Alphan dies...and it isn’t Puck!

I have this issue.

Judd receives another call, this time from Shaman. He’s picked up by Northstar, and together they meet the rest of the team. Shaman casts a spell and they arrive in New York to find Guardian in battle with Gamma Flight. Judd takes out Flashback, which inadvertently causes Guardian to be carried away by Box.

Notes of Interest:
1) We learn that Flashback was in Beta Flight along with Judd and Marrina.

2) It’s established here that Judd lives in Toronto, not just works there. We even see his apartment!

WTF? Moment: There is a passing comment Judd makes about how he hasn’t taken an active role in Alpha Flight yet, participating in a team workout once before Marrina gutted him, and completely missed the fight against Tundra from issue #1. All the action he’s seen until now was around the hospital where he was recovering. So now, in an epic battle against former teammates (and his first against costumed criminals), Judd’s big contribution is…taking out one skinny guy from behind. Not only that, but Guardian is forced to fight Box alone as a result. You have to admit that Judd hasn’t done much in the way of super heroics so far.

WTF? Moment #2: Okay. Before Northstar arrives on the roof of his building to pick him up, Judd mentions that he “hasn’t had much to do since the affair of the Brass Bishop.” Editor Denny O’Neil even makes a note in a sidebar that readers haven’t missed anything, but “we’ll tell you that tale some other time.” I have every…single…issue of this series, and the only appearance I have of any Brass Bishop takes place in issue #121, which isn’t set in the past. If anyone knows of any story where Judd fought the Brass Bishop before James MacDonald Hudson died, please let me know…

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Puck Part 3: Alpha Flight #5 (December, 1983)

We get to see Puck in action this issue (finally!) as he uncovers a drug trafficking ring.

I have this issue.

Judd’s still in the hospital after being attacked by Marrina in Alpha Flight #2, but is recovering nicely. His biggest problem now is the pain he’s almost constantly in. He’s able to focus past it most of the time, but one night it gets to be too much and he calls a nurse for help, which doesn’t arrive. Curious, Judd leaves his bed and investigates. He finds the nurse on call sneaking around in a storeroom. She shoos him back to bed and gives him something for the pain, but Judd decides to do some sneaking of his own the next day.

He finds that some medicine has been cut in half and replaced with water, and informs the Chief Administrator of his findings. It is agreed that Judd should look into things further before contacting the police. That night, Judd traces the drugs to a boathouse, where he learns the traffickers are following orders from someone higher up. Judd’s caught, and fights his way to a phone to call in the cavalry, but passes out due to his injuries. He wakes up back in the hospital, with the administrator and a police sergeant by his side. Judd learns that he succeeded in making the call and the bad guys, along with the nurse, were captured. Judd’s not convinced the case is closed, and his suspicions are confirmed when he stops the Chief Administrator from giving him a lethal dose of insulin. Satisfied the case is now closed, Judd is expected to make a full recovery.

Notes of Interest:
1) It’s obvious that Byrne used this issue to distance Judd from the other short, hairy Canadian he’s worked with in the past. Judd has more of a Hemmingway feel about him - having been tiger hunting in Nepal, and reading Shakespeare (get it…Puck…Shakespeare…Puck?).

2) Judd trusts his instincts and acts on them.

3) I like the “little people’ comment. It reminded me of that CSI episode. It shows Byrne really did his homework regarding the condition.

4) I guess Alpha Flight can’t afford unstable molecules, so they have to rely on Shaman’s skills to repair costumes. Which brings me to…

WTF? Moment: Apparently, Judd knows Susan Richards. He was in the hospital during Alpha’s fight with the Master, so he didn’t meet her there. It’s possible that they met somewhere else. It’s also possible he might just know about her from reading American newspapers, but my money is on the fact that they have connections within the mighty Marvel bullpen. But that’s just me…

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm not Crazy...I may be Sexy...but I'm definitely a (dorky) Geek!

I have been a follower of Crazy Sexy Geeks on YouTube for a while and I'll tell you why:

They have Tim Gunn as an occasional guest to discuss super-hero fashion.

For anyone outside the know, Tim Gunn is a host of Project Runway on the Lifetime network. It's the only show on there I watch and it's mostly for Gunn, who goes around helping the show's competing designers stay focused and "make it work".

Crazy Sexy Geeks is a comics themed YouTube series created by people working out of Midtown Comics in NYC. Their topics range from the impact of Wonder Woman's costume to explaining Batman's psychology.

How these two met is beyond me, but this ranks right up there with Almond M&M's - two great tastes that taste great together.

Tim brings comic book costuming into real world objectivity while having the open mind necessary to be critiquing comic book costuming in the first place. You won't see Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Heidi Klum, Betsey Johnson or Tommy Hilfiger taking time out to comment on whether or not Superman should have his underwear outside his pants, or if Iron Man's suit is fashion forward.

This is a great site with great comments by Gunn and others, so check it out..

Monday, October 17, 2011

Puck Part 2: Alpha Flight #2 (September, 1983)

Puck faces Marrina’s dark side...and loses.

I have this issue.

Judd starts out laughing at Sasquatch during a training exercise, and ends up getting gutted by Marrina. The Flight take him to the nearest hospital and Shaman uses his medical skills to essentially knit his organs back together. He survives the operation, but faces an uphill battle recuperating.

Notes of Interest:
1) Not much character development this issue, except we learn that as much as he may remind us of Wolverine, Judd has no special healing powers.

WTF? Moment: The mystery behind Puck’s abilities begins here, but only with what he can’t do. He isn’t fast enough to dodge Marrina’s attack, and he doesn’t have any type of healing factor. In fact, he doesn’t even show off what he can do since he’s severely wounded on the second page he’s in. I guess Byrne’s plan was to use him as comic relief, and show that all’s not fun and games in the world of Canadian super-heroing.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Puck Part 1: Alpha Flight #1 (August, 1983)

Puck is (un)officially promoted from Beta Flight to Alpha Flight just in time to miss all the action.

I have this issue.

Eugene Milton Judd is introduced to us working as a bouncer at a somewhat seedy Toronto bar. Despite his size, he’s able to make short work of a few unsavory types causing trouble when the microscopic implant located behind his left ear receives the Alpha Flight call to arms. He’s so excited, he cartwheels away.

Judd makes it to Mansfield Airbase in full costume and tells the guard at the gate to let him in, using his Alpha Flight clearance. The guard doesn’t recognize him as a member of Alpha, and denies him access. Judd takes the guard down in one swift move, but is told that he needs written clearance before he can enter the base.

Judd finally arrives at the Hudson residence in Ottawa to meet the other members only to find out they’re deciding on a new name for the group. Judd demands that they keep the name Alpha Flight, Walter Langkowski picks a fight, and Judd obliges.

Notes of Interest:
1) It’s explained here that Judd was officially in Beta Flight, and was about to be promoted to Alpha, when the funding for Department H was pulled.

2) Heather McNeil Hudson found Judd’s computer card (containing his unique signal code) and activated Judd’s signal, essentially promoting him.

3) It seems that up to this point the only member of Alpha Flight, and most of the Canadian Government, who knew about Judd at all was James MacDonald Hudson.

4) According to Byrne’s letter at the end of the issue, this story takes place right after X-Men #140 (December, 1980), published just over two and a half years earlier.

WTF? Moment: Creator John Byrne made one heck of a Canadian stereotype with this character. A short, hairy guy (*cough* Wolverine *cough*) with a black rubbery-looking costume who cartwheels around and says “Eh?” every ten seconds? I know Byrne grew up in Canada, but my only other exposure to Canadian life (until I went to college) was “Strange Brew” with the McKenzie brothers, so I actually thought Canada was full of people like this, and it took me quite a while to clear my mind of all that. It also got me into a bit of trouble…(did I mention my wife is French-Canadian?)