...Identity Crisis #5
Oookay, where to start?
First, I hated seeing Firestorm die. I always liked him, and as far as I'm concerned, this is a rip-off of Captain Atom dying in Kingdom Come.
Second, I like how Captain Boomerang's son has super-speed, meaning that Golden Glider isn't Owen's mother. Fine...but who the hell is it then? No, don't bother telling us here. Let me take the time to find out somewhere else.
Third, I understand why Meltzer tied Owen's life with Tim Drake's. But did Jack really have to die? I mean couldn't the point been made by having him injured (again) because of what Tim and Bruce do? I always thought it was cool for Tim to be the one Robin in history to have a surviving parent. But oh no! Let's kill him off and make Tim an orphan after all. I call Bullshit!
You would have thought that even if Tim opted out of having any of that fancy-shmancy Thangarian/Kryptonian/Apokoliptian/Martian security in his house, Bruce Wayne sure as hell would have done something to make damn sure Tim's father was safe! There is no way you could convince me otherwise. Not after Dick, not after Jason, and not after what happened to Bruce himself. Nu-uh! No fucking way! Buuuuuuuuuuuull-Shit!
My other WTF? moment has to be Tim's mask. Did anyone else notice his eyes this issue? Was it planned to remove the white eye coverings going forward? Was it just done here to show the emotion of Tim's ordeal? Either way - it's out of continuity and is therefore an imaginary story taking place in an alternate timeline on a different Earth that won't be created for another few years because 52 hasn't been written yet.
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