...Identity Crisis #3
This issue is the closest DC has ever gotten to Alan Moore's Watchmen up to this point. It took them what...seventeen years to get here?
Villains get smart, heroes go down, loved ones get killed.
And if there's anyone who hasn't read this story, the killer behind all of this is shown this issue. You just don't know it yet.
What we do learn: Captain Boomerang has a son, some heroes fight dirty and work hard to clean up the messes, and other heroes choose to turn a blind eye...or ear.
My WTF? moment has to be when Wally gets stabbed by Slade. I mean the blade goes right through him. Slade even twists it. Then Wally gets up and calmly lies to Clark and threatens Oliver? I know Wally can do a lot of things fast, but I didn't know healing was one of them. WTF?
Another great point of Meltzer's writing is that he leaves every issue on a cliffhanger, which most novelists and the best comic writers do. Beause nobody likes to be left hanging at issue's end...
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