Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My thoughts on Civil War...

So it's this weekend...
...and here are my "Spoiler Free" thoughts:

Steve Rogers will be killed.
I don't want it to happen mind you. To me, Steve is Captain America. But killing him could be the MMU's way to explain the argument that the hero and the suit are two different things, which is true...
...but Iron Man isn't just the suit.
Neither is Spider-Man,
or Jessica,
or Matt,
or Frank.
You need the person in the suit.
So if they want to prove this by having Bucky or Sam wear the suit for a while, fine. But don't kill Steve...
 ...let him be someone else for a while.
But, since he will most likely be killed,
he'll get better.

It will be long and drawn-out, but Baron Zemo will get his suit...in the post-credits scene.

All this fighting will last through the whole movie. Which sucks.
There will be the build-up, then the line-drawing, the last-straw, and the knock-down-drag-out. Then there will be the make-up, the "Steve's death" thing, the passing of the suit, the Zemo reveal...
...and the Wolverine cameo.
But seriously, all this crap about Teams and Sides is just bulls**t. I understand the appeal of seeing your favorite hero beat the snot out of everyone else's favorite hero, but I'd rather spend hours (and dollars) to see my favorite heroes beat the snot out of my favorite villainsBut, as I've said in the past...
...in Marvel Studios I Trust.

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