Morning Pepe!
So...what have you heard?
Yeah - it's made $170 million in the U.S. and $254 million elsewhere. It's the second top grossing film worldwide (at $424 million) featuring Superman (behind Man of Steel's $668 million), and the third top grossing film worldwide featuring Batman (behind The Dark Knight Rises' $1.084 Billion, and The Dark Knight's $1.003 Billion).
But here's the thing - is it any good?
I haven't seen it yet, even though I know I eventually will, but I have no desire to see it in theaters.
I know!
In fact, I don't really have a burning desire to see any future installments of the DCCU. And who's fault is that?
Well...okay, he's part of it,
but Marvel Studios has the lion's share.
Their movies are too good.
Setting aside the fact that Marvel's films (and Netflix stuff) focus on character - and true, Marvel's still working on bringing in more non-white male characters - their stories are better, and better told.
According to what I've been hearing, anyway.
Not only that,
My Superman isn't the Man of Steel Superman.
THIS is My Superman.
And no amount of them telling me who Superman is will change that.

So yeah it made money, and will most likely continue to do so...but you can't make me see it in theaters.
Have a good week Pepe!
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