Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wait...what's this about no Spidey 4?

Here's what I know...

1) Sony's decided to reboot the Spider-Man franchise because...
2) Sam Raimi's decided to opt out of making Spider-Man 4 because...
3) The script for Spider-Man 4 needed more work to improve than there was time to make the set release date.

I'm gonna go backwards on this:

3) I don't know who's responsible this regarding the script, but if they can't get it right, start over. Don't worry, we'll wait. Especially when it comes to Spider-Man.

2) This is a very smart move on Raimi's part. After the train wreck that was Spider-Man 3 and the fallout over who was to blame, the last thing Raimi needed was another example of putting Time & Producers over Quality and Talent. Let Sony deal with it. I don't blame him at all and hope that in the future, Sony wakes the hell up and lets Raimi do what he does best and leaves him alone to do it.

1) This is a two-part issue.

First, the issue of rebooting the franchise too early is moot because of The Incredible Hulk. It was a better film, which is a big reason why few people questioned rebooting Hulk which, I reluctantly admit, sucked eggs. Spider-Man was a huge success, so naturally a lot of people are scratching their heads and raising a stink wondering why reboot. I'm not saying it will work, or that whatever comes will be better than the first movie, but it has to be better than SP-3.

Second, remember - Sony has to keep making Spider-Man movies within a certain time frame or they lose the franchise, which falls back to Marvel, who despite selling out...BIG TIME...to Disney has made a few kick-ass movies and are making a few more kick-ass movies.

Sony does not want this to happen, so they'll do whatever it takes to keep Spider-Man in their wallet...pocket...I meant pocket. Even if it means talking to James Cameron - God Forbid!

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