Friday, January 8, 2010


I realized I forgot my WTF's fro Identity Crisis #'s 6 & 7. This is because the copy of the TPB I've been reading was from the library, and I get loopy when it comes to returning things to whence they came. Same thing with movies from video stores. I rush through, and lose the enjoyment factor.

Anyway -

Identity Crisis #6, or as I now call it, "The one with the obvious subplot change mid-stream." My other WTF? moment has to be in the very beginning when Tim is running up some stairs while taking off his costume trying to reach his dad.

If I understand this right, Jack Drake and Captain Boomerang are in the same area of the house, bleeding out. The area in question is near/just outside the kitchen. Well, Tim is seen running up some stairs, presumably towards his father. I don't know of any homes with a second story kitchen. Hotels and apartment buildings sure. Duplexes even. But the Drakes live in a single family home. So there's no way the kitchen would be upstairs of anything but the basement.

Now I'll grant the argument that Tim was coming up from the basement where there's a hidden tunnel that leads to the Batcave, or a secret meeting place where Bruce would pick him up in order to maintain secrecy. Okay...but that would mean that Bruce would be dropping Tim off somewhere else, and Tim would be running from there to the house...while in tears...hoping his father's still alive. Meanwhile Batman could just drive up to the house to investigate the crime scene. But Robin has been seen many times right next to Batman at various crime scenes.

Wouldn't it make more sense for Batman and Robin to pull up to the house and enter the crime scene together? It sure as hell would be faster.

This right here supports my theory posted with the review: the whole Jack Drake death subplot was slapped together last minute because DC wouldn't let Jonathan Kent die.

Identity Crisis #7 actually has two. Yeah, they're what?

1) During the big revelation, Jean tells Ray that Sue's death was an accident, but she "shrunk some other weapons...just in case" Just in case of what? She actually killed Sue? If it was truly an accident, and Jean had spent time practicing, wouldn't she have brought some medical supplies...just in case? Even if it was just enough to keep her alive?

2) Also during the big revelation, all the loose ends are tied...except the note to Lois. Jean doesn't even mention doing it. Plus, near the very end when Clark is home talking to Ma - where's Pa? It's nighttime, so don't tell me Pa's busy plowing the back 40. I'm telling you, he's dead, and the original conversation was about Ma telling Clark to endure and keep fighting the good fight.

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