Saturday, November 12, 2016

No. Really. A Dork's political rant...

Based on what's happening in places like "the other Portland", one thing makes me happy: if things went the other way, there would have been a lot more displays of discontent resulting in not only property damage but injury, death and most likely strange fruit swinging from trees. 

Why would any woman vote for him?

One thing I've learned from the Republican Party: cheating on my wife might cost me my job, but demeaning and groping other women will get me a more powerful job. 

I've tried to accept the way the world is. I really have. But my sense of helplessness isn't going away. To make things worse, Mrs. Adorkification has been scrolling the interwebs every morning since, mentioning the latest and greatest topics of deconstruction.

In fact, we got into an argument this very morning. Not about voting, we're of like minds politically. It was about my reaction to the chain reaction of events. 

She thinks we should learn all we can and be prepared to respond. Me? I'm just gonna bury my head in the sand for the next 4-8 years. I've already done the one thing I could do: Vote. Now that that's done, what else is there to do? Read about things that will do nothing but infuriate me further? 

This surprised her. She thought I'd want to fight the upcoming injustice given my hobbies. Well, if I had super strength, super intelligence and/or super wealth, I would fight. But I don't. All I have is a voice that starting January 20th will be forever silenced.

And I'm not alone.

But that's okay. Eight years ago people voted for change and spent every day since fighting it. Four days ago people voted for change (AGAIN) and now there's nothing to stop it. 

Hope you're happy. 

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