The ethnicity issue is ridiculous. Whitewashing the character? The Danny Rand I remember from the '80's was American. I'm not even sure there was any Asian ancestry in his family tree. He was an outsider, which made his entire time spent at K'un-Lun all the more compelling. A fact missed by all the haters.
Now onto the show...
The introduction of Danny (and the Meachums) in the first five minutes of the show set the tone - badly. They could have started with Danny and his parents as the plane went down, moved to Danny being found by the monks, and then cut to Danny walking the streets of New York barefoot. They could have started with Ward and Joy waking up in the morning, moved to them going about their daily routines at the office (as well as those of their employees...including the receptionist), and then cut to Danny walking though the door.
Either one would have been more interesting than what we got.
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