Kirigi returns to cause Elektra grief in her sixth appearance.
I have this story in the
Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller Vol. 2 trade.

We find Elektra hovering over Matt’s brownstone as he decides to find Stick so he can regain his radar-sense. She decides to help him despite her feelings. What she doesn’t know is that she is being watched by Kirigi, a member of The Hand whom she tried to kill twice last issue. She saves Matt’s life yet again by killing two thugs about to shoot Daredevil from behind. Then she finds Wall-Eyed Pike, a stoolie living in Hell’s Kitchen, who tells her where she can find Stick – Duke’s Pool Hall. She arrives in time to see Daredevil take out Turk (who’s wearing a Mauler suit) when Kirigi attacks. She drives a truck into him, knocking him into the Hudson. The truck explodes, setting Kirigi on fire, and still he comes after her. She finally kills Kirigi by decapitating him, and she’s left to wonder what she’ll do when Daredevil eventually catches up with her.
Notes of Interest:1) Elektra continues to linger in the background here, never interacting with Matt or Daredevil.
2) Outside Duke’s, however, it looks like she had just finished cutting a bar out of a window, and was going to go in when Kirigi attacked. So it’s
possible her lack of face-to-face time with Matt wasn’t entirely her choice.
3) She gets another kill! Too bad she doesn’t get
paid for it…
WTF? Moment: Elektra gets to Wall-Eyed Pike before both Turk and Daredevil, but shows up
after the fight? I guess cutting the window bar could've taken that long.
WTF? Moment #2: I didn’t know that driving a truck cab was part of The Hand’s assassin curriculum.
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